
Custom Inside Boeing 747 Private Jet Decoration

Look Inside a $613 Million Boeing 747 personal aircraft plane charter Decoration of Custom Luxury upgrade package post by

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0:00 someone somewhere bought a private plane that costs six hundred and thirteen
0:05 Milliona tapitrisa dolara
0:06 just thought you’d like to feel broke too i’m mara montalbano for buzz60 and
0:11 the anonymous buyer isn’t just swearing off flying commercial
0:15 they’re giving it the finger the plane is a boeing 747-8 which is the longest
0:20 passenger jet in the world and can carry 450 olona
0:25 ny fiaramanidina ihany no lafo mihoatra noho ny 350 tapitrisa dolara ary ny tompon'ilay te
0:31 ampanjifaina izany izy nanana maitso . hametraka teknolojia hafa 245 tapitrisa
0:37 dolara no endri-javatra ao anatiny anisan'izany ny trano fisakafoanana efitra fisakafoana
0:41 tompony vahiny efitra fatoriana sy efitra fatoriana roa lounges birao
0:46 we don’t know what the plane looks like now but this video shows a model of what
0:50 ny orinasa dia hanao ny fiaramanidina
0:52 I personally couldn’t care less about a 40 mirefy TV
0:55 ho ahy ny zavatra aspirational indrindra momba ny fiaramanidina dia ny tsy fisian'ny zazakely mitomany
0:58 ary ny olona izay mandray ny kiraro eny tapaky ny sidina

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