
Kev cai hauv Boeing 747 Dav hlau Decoration Decoration

Look Inside a $613 Million Boeing 747 personal aircraft plane charter Decoration of Custom Luxury upgrade package post by

Lwm Qhov Kev Pab Peb muaj thaum nws tawm cua fleet tsheb thauj mus los pab

Executive ntiav dav hlau khiav

Lub teeb dav hlau khiav

Mid ntiav loj dav hlau khiav

Davhlau hnyav ntiav dav hlau khiav

Turboprop Private dav hlau khiav

Npliag ceg ntiav Jet Charter

Nqi ntiav dav hlau khiav


0:00 someone somewhere bought a private plane that costs six hundred and thirteen
0:05 million dollars
0:06 just thought you’d like to feel broke too i’m mara montalbano for buzz60 and
0:11 the anonymous buyer isn’t just swearing off flying commercial
0:15 they’re giving it the finger the plane is a boeing 747-8 which is the longest
0:20 passenger jet in the world and can carry 450 neeg
0:25 the aircraft alone cost more than 350 million dollars but the owner wanted to
0:31 customize so he or she had green . technologies put another 245 tsheej lab
0:37 dollars were the features into it including a restaurant dining room
0:41 master bedroom guest bedrooms two lounges and an office
0:46 we don’t know what the plane looks like now but this video shows a model of what
0:50 the company will do to your plane
0:52 I personally couldn’t care less about a 40 inch TV
0:55 to me the most aspirational thing about the plane is the lack of crying babies
0:58 and people who take their shoes off mid-flight

Pom ntiav dav hlau khiav davhlau qhov kev pab nyob ze kuv tawm los rau teb chaws Mes kev

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Koj puas nyiam qhov no? Muab nws!

tom Private dav hlau khiav davhlau Service thiab khoom kim heev plane sis tuam txhab nyob ze ntawm koj tog twg los rau koj tus lag luam, thaum muaj xwm ceev los yog xeem feeb ceg tas tus kheej mus txawv tebchaws, peb yuav pab koj ua tau rau koj lwm lo lus uas peb tau mus rau citation pa tsheb thauj mus los nyob ze koj.
Ntiav dav hlau cua khiav davhlau WysLuxury dav hlau sis tuam txhab Service